Friday, December 24, 2010

Flashback Friday: Christmas Edition

Clifton Mill 2009

In this pic.....I was still in my first trimester, knowing there was a baby growing inside me but not yet realizing how different our lives would be this Christmas.

A year ago, my life was filled with school, morning sickness, housework, nausea, family gatherings, & more nausea. This year I have diapers, bottles, spit-up, naps, cleaning, family gatherings, more diapers,  & more bottles. A stark difference from my life 365 days ago. Every chore takes a bit longer, every shower is a bit shorter, & every outing is a bit trickier but I wouldn't change it for anything.

I can't believe we are going to be waking up to our son's very first Christmas tomorrow morning. I'm so excited for him, even though he is only five months & has no idea what will be happening. 

I've always been a barely sleeping, early riser for Christmas, but it's Carson's first Christmas! I doubt I'll sleep at all!

Merry Christmas to you all!

God Bless

Wanna see more Flashbacks? Check out Christopher & Tia...

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  1. hope his first christmas was everything you'd hoped! even though parker had no idea what was going on, we had such a blast. merry christmas!

  2. hey, i just picked my junebug hair clip giveaway winner, & mr. picked YOU!

    please email me your info (just email address at this point) & i will announce you won. congrats! :)
