Monday, October 18, 2010

a big heaping pile of...

LAUNDRY! Although it is clean laundry that just needs folded & put away it is still the worst frickin' part! I did nothing take a shower today but that's about it. My poor hubby had to come home to me even more ghastly looking than when he left me this morning because I got to shower but didn't get to flat iron my hair or put on a stitch of makeup & just put on a different set of comfy attire. It's amazing that he is still attracted to me at all, since I never seem to make it far out of my comfies anymore & if I do they go right back on as soon as we get home from wherever we ventured that day.

I've been trying to work on building my wardrobe back up lately, buying things here & there, even though I feel totally guilty when doing so. Which is pretty much pointless because I don't plan on being able to fit into anything remotely close to my current size for very long. I just feel so awful about the way I look now-a-days. Definitely not anywhere close to feeling "hot" or "sexy". I want my sexy back dang it! ;)

Ugh...okay before this get anymore sad pathetic, I will stop typing my heart out & go fold that laundry!

1 comment:

  1. Yay! So glad you linked up today! I have been slowly, but surely, building up my closet too. I'm on the mission to get my sexy back as well. Hope you'll join No Mom Talk again soon!
