Sunday, July 17, 2011

A Year Of Laughter, A year of Fun,
|Oh, how the time has flew by,
Now our little WHO is ONE!!

...Oh I have a blog?

Uh yea, so I've seemed to have forgotten that I have this blog. And I feel pure hatred from the lonely pages of it. But honestly, I've had pretty much zero time to do anything extra lately.

The reason for no extra time? you ask. I'm no longer a stay at home momma, I'm a part-time SAHM! That's right, this girl has a J-O-B.  I'm finally using my medical assisting certification to bring in some cash around here. I'm working three days a week & the other days I'm here with Carson. It seems to be going pretty well so far. I've brought in my first check, I get regular "adult" convo (which I so desperately needed some days), and I get out of my comfy clothes & do my hair and makeup a few times a week at least!

Another big change...Carson is ONE!  I can't even believe that this happened! I will do a separate post on this and his party etc.

I'm going to try my darnedest to  do more blogging, now that I am busier & keep regular updates. Don't lose faith in me =) Thanks for sticking with me!