Monday, November 15, 2010

Domestication at it's finest

Okay ya'll, last week I was obviously bored because in my cloudy mommy brain I decided that I should be more domesticated. So, I jumped in my Delorean & sped back to the 1950's to snatch an awesome homemade bread recipe, made a Sunday breakfast date with my kitchen, The Beatles & got my June Cleaver on....

My recipes
I also made Bananas Foster Cheesecake which I found on Mrs. Muffins blog. It was DELICIOUS!

What you'll need:
  • 2 3/4 cup tepid water (Should be the same temp as you'd use for your baby's bottle. Just warm enough that you can't feel when it is dripped onto your wrist.)
  • 2 Tablespoons Yeast
  • 3 Tablespoons Sugar
  • 2 Tablespoons Oil
  • 1 Tablespoon Salt
  • 6 1/4 Bread Flour
  • Grease like Butter or Crisco (I used butter)
  • Bowl large enough for dough to double in size
  • Measuring spoons
  • Cloth
  • 2 loaf pans
  • Large spoon to stir with
  • 2-3 hours

Pour water into your bowl.
Sprinkle yeast over the water
Sprinkle sugar over the yeast.
 (Make sure the sugar pushes the yeast into the water.)
Let set until yeast starts to work. About 5 minutes.
It will look foamy and you csan smell the yeast.

Add salt, oil, and bread flour.

Mix until dough becomes thick.
Then, grease your hands and mix until dough is soft and elastic.
Re-grease your hands if you need to. If you dough is still really sticky add two heaping tablespoons of flour at a time until the dough will pull away from he bowl.Knead an additional 5-10 times.
Pour enough oil around the sides of the bowl, pushing it around with your hand to have a smooth surface on the sides & bottom of the bowl.
Form dough into a ball.
Oil the ball of doughcompletely and set in the bottom of the bowl.
Cover with a clean cloth.
Place in a warm place to rise.
It should take about an hour to rise.
Could take longer or shorter depending on temp of room and quality of yeast. Mine took about 45-50 minutes.
When it is double its size, grease your loaf pans and hands.
I used butter to grease instead of oil because it releases the bread from the pan better.
Divide dough into halves...form into loaves
Make into a flat round the tuck edges under to have a smooth top.
Put into loaf pans, cover with cloth and let rise a second time.
Yes, another 45-50 minutes, to double in size.

Preheat oven to 400 degrees.
Bake 30 minutes or until golden brown.

Tip out onto cloth to cool.
Butter the top, if you choose
Slice & get your eat on...

Friday, November 12, 2010

Flashback Friday: Saying Goodbye To A Puppy Friend =(

top left & bottom right: Christmas '98, Brina is the puppy in the middle
bottom left: Sabrina
top right: Sabastian, our other dog & older sibling to Sabrina
p.s. I'm the unfortunate looking child on the bottom right

My mom & aunt drove down to Tennessee to get Sabrina in '98. She was the cutest puppy, born with her left eye circled in pink. I remember when they brought her home she was so tiny, we didn't have any puppy food so my mom had us make her scrambled eggs & she loved them! I will always hold fond memories of her in my heart. I'll miss you Brina Weena Bo Beena Banana Fanna Fo Feena Fee Fi Mo Meena, Brina.

Hey guess what? There are some more awesome Flashback Fridays at Go check 'em out!
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Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Wordless Wednesday turned into Super Peeved Wednesday!

As you all know from the last post my computer has decided to go on strike when it comes to reading my SD card, everything else works but not the feature I need. I mean literally the light comes on saying hey there is something in this slot but the dang thing decides not to do anything from that point, UGH! And, I'm getting a little anxious to upload these pictures so I can keep everyone up-to-date with little mister.
So, this morning I went in search for the USB cable to my camera in "closet of horror" in our office. Said closet has everything a man would want in it ( therefore it has many things crammed into a tiny space), considering the office used to be Paul's "Man Room", i know, gag, right? Now he is limited him to the garage which by right of passage is every man's "Man Room" & it shall stay that way. However, there are still many of his man things in the closet of horror. Everything from computer stuff, random anonymous cords & cables, a couple of his guitars, guns, ammo,filing cabinet, ancient video game systems, old Star Wars toys still in the box ( he insists will be worth good money someday, haha), basically anything testosterone related.
Okay back to being super duper peeved. So as I am digging through all this crap in the closet trying to locate said USB cable when I spot a box on the top shelf where I think he might have stored all the cables & such. I reach up on my tippy-toes to get the box, tilt it forward to pull it down & BAAAAAM! I get bashed in the face with a CD drive from an old laptop! OH EM GEE, are you frickin kidding me? First of all, why in the hell is that thing there? Second, doesn't it have a rightful place among all other old laptop CD drives, like in a landfill? And Lastly, I'm even more mad that Paul is in Columbus at a detective conference & I can't call the B!@#$ at him!
I'm really not "that" wife that calls her husband to nag him about the closet being in disarray & blame him for something he had no control over. I just wanted to give him a hard time, tell him I got hurt, him to "baby" me with sweet words over the phone & then laugh at my misfortune.
I am however the kind of person that is still ticked at that dang thing for assaulting this gorgeous face of mine, haha, I kid, I kid. =)

Sunday, November 7, 2010


So, it's been a few days since I've posted & I have to say I've become fond of this blogging thing, I even missed it.=) Unfortunately, my desktop has decided to stop reading my SD card & my laptop has an awful virus on it that shuts it down completely without even asking me (in the word's of Stephanie Tanner "HOW RUDE!") So posting new pics of us & our coming & goings has been haulted. boohoo! Hopefully these things will be resolved very very soon!

Until then, here is a pic a snapped of Carsey about a week ago...cute little booger isn't he?
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Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Wordless Wednesday [with a few words]

                                        My lovies [SWOON]
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